Photo Source: StarWars.com |
*This post is for people who have seen the film and contains
spoilers. For those who haven’t seen the movie, read a different Cocoa Fly
I LOVE Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I saw it twice in one week
and I rarely see a movie twice in the theatres. Aside from it being a good story, I was happy
to see racial diversity and a kick ass heroine.
Source: Starwars.com |
Rey is a scavenger from the planet Jakku, who collects metal
scraps for a living. She’s a street kid and knows how to take care of herself. But
later in the film we find out she’s the next chosen one—following in the legacy
of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. Which leads me to believe Luke is her father and
Anakin/Darth Vader is her granddaddy. I love Rey because she can fight, is a
hell of a pilot, strong, has a heart and there’s so much mystery surrounding
her past. Who is her family? Where did they go? She is one of my favorite
female action heroines. A possible female Jedi made the movie more appealing to
me. I was thrilled to see she wasn't sexualized! There are many women geeks like myself who spend money on action movies,
toys, clothes and we want to be reflected too. Just like guys like seeing men
kicking ass on the screen. Star Wars gets points in the gender category. Daisy
Ridley plays Rey and is great in this role.
General Leia' son, bad-acting Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren, needs a spanking.
Source: StarWars.com |
Star Wars doesn’t get points from me with General Leia
Organa. If Leia is going to be general, she needs to act like a general. When
her team, The Resistance, was formulating a plan to defeat The First Order, she
gave no ideas. Poe Dameron, Hans Solo and the other fighter pilots were running
things. I felt like the Star Wars writers gave Leia the title of general to
show they’re being inclusive of women. But they weren’t. A friend of mine said
maybe she sat back because her evil ass son Ben Solo, now Kylo Ren, would be
attacked. But it didn’t stop his daddy Hans Solo from planning an attack. And
let’s face it, the Skywalkers have a history of fighting their own when they’re
split between the dark side and the light. They need to make her a real
military in the next episode or give her a new title.
I was also happy to see the Asian woman fighter pilot for
The Resistance and Captain Phasma a female leader for the dark side. I think
Captain Phasma may have some secrets in the next episode. Maybe she’s related
to Rey?
Lupita Nyong'o' is the voice and motion behind
Maz Kanata.
Did you know Oscar-award winning actress Lupita Nyong’o was
in the film? Do you know who she played? She was the CGI creature Maz Kanata.
This creature has been running an intergalactic pub for 1,000+ years and sees
into the souls of people through their eyes. She’s similar to Yoda. I have
mixed feelings about Lupita’s role in the film. Lupita Nyong’o is so beautiful
and I wanted to SEE her face. I am disappointed that a major black actress in
the Star Wars series is still invisibilized by playing a creature. Maz Kanata
is an important character and I like her. But I wanted to see Lupita. Black
don’t crack. I think she could play a woman who is over 1,000 years old and
still look good. But I’m glad Lupita got paid and is part of the Star Wars
legacy. Ironically, racists were mad about John Boyega, a Nigerian-British
black man, being one of the lead characters. Yet they didn’t complain about
Lupita Nyong’o voicing a wise creature. I guess for racists, it’s okay if black folks are
heard and not seen. They didn't have a problem with James Earl Jones voicing Darth Vader either. I wonder if they know George Lucas' wife is a black woman.
Source: StarWars.com |
Which leads me to racial diversity in Star Wars. FINN IS MY
DUDE! I love John Boyega as Finn, the
Storm Trooper with a conscious who fled The First Order. Fin is funny, charming
and handsome. He’s a good guy, with a good heart like Rey. You want him to win.
He wouldn’t follow commands from evil leaders and kill innocent people. He’s in
love with Rey. John Boyega and Daisy Ridley have GREAT chemistry. Some have
complained that Fin got his ass kicked a lot. Fin worked in sanitation for The First Order so
I’ll give him a pass on getting his butt kicked. But he’s still a fighter and
hopefully he’ll be trained and ready to give some beatdowns in the next chapter
of this series. I know racists were mad because God forbid in the history of
cinema that ONE black man would be a leading character in Star Wars. Probably
95-99% of superheroes and sci-fi heroes are white men. Heroes come in all
colors and sexes. I love Fin. He’s a great character. I’m especially excited
for black kids who can see their likeness on screen in the form of a courageous
hero who believed in doing the right thing.
And other kids can see from both Rey and Finn, that heroes aren’t only white and male.
Poe Dameron...Yesssss!
Source: StarWars.com
And speaking of males, I am in love with Poe Dameron. When
his plane crashed in the beginning I was thinking, “He’s too fine to die!” LOL
Poe Dameron was more of a general than Leia. Poe can fly ANY plane, is a
fighter pilot, devised plans of attack and is fine. Guatemalan-American actor
Oscar Isaac plays Poe. From what I’ve read online, there’s more to his
character (based on the comics) that wasn’t in this film as well. Three of the
major characters in the film were a white woman, black man and Latino man. It’s
about damn time. Amazing and long overdue!
Yeah I have a Star Wars picture too!
Photo Credit: Cousin Mike Pleasant
Now for the good stuff…
Again, I think Rey’s daddy is Luke Skywalker and he
disappeared because he owed back child support. Ha! Okay I’m kidding about the
child support but Luke is her daddy. We
know her father was absent in her life, because when Kylo Ren read her mind he
said that Han Solo was like the father she never had. Luke has been gone for 30
years. As for her mama, who knows? Who
was Luke creeping with?
Kylo Ren is Rey’s cousin. This may cause some friction
between Leia and Luke.
I can’t believe Kylo Ren killed his daddy!!!! That bothered
me for a few days. How can you kill Hans Solo? Who wrote that scene and how do
they sleep at night?
There wasn't enough sentiment for Hans Solo's death. There were a few shots of sad character's then they started talking about finding Luke Skywalker. I felt there should've been more mourning for such a major character.
Harrison Ford is still cute. An older gentleman who sat next to me at the movie said to me, "Hey he still had a few years left in him! Why did they kill him?"
Kylo Ren, part of the The Knights of Ren, is a brat. I think
the Knights of Ren kidnapped Rey’s family because when she had flashbacks about
that day, you could hear a voice that sounded like Kylo Ren. I don’t think it
was him, but another knight.
And Rey can fly the hell out of the Millennium Falcon.
I could write a whole book on this so I’ll stop here. Tell
me what did you think of the movie?
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