Found Alive! Carlesha Freeland-Gaither and her alleged abductor. |
I am extremely thankful that Carlesha Freeland-Gaither, 22, was found alive. The nurse’s aide was
kidnapped and dragged off the street by an alleged rapist, abuser, etc. You have to read
this guy’s rap sheet. He’s sick and sounds like a misogynist. She put a fight when he abducted her. It’s a miracle
she was found alive. I’m thanking God she was found because I prayed for her. I wish her mental peace as she heals from the traumatic mental scars.
Since living back in Oakland, I’ve been nearly attacked
twice. The first time was by a crazy, angry woman at a gas station who was mad at
me because she wanted my pump. Mind you I was there five minutes before she
arrived. The second time happened
recently. A man I met at the community dance hall I sometimes attend, repeatedly
asked to walked me to my car. I wasn’t interested in him and told him “no” at
least three times. I left the dancehall.
It was dark outside. Just as I as about to get into my car, I turned around. He was standing at
the passenger side of my car. I jumped in my car. Then he came around to the
driver’s side of my car. I sped off and was extremely shaken. I told him no
repeatedly but he didn’t give a damn. I didn’t know if he wanted to rape me,
beat me, or what.
A few days later I read about 27-year-old
Mary Spears. She
was shot and killed at a family event in Detroit after telling a man multiple
times she was not interested in him. Then I thought about the New York woman
whose throat was slashed by a man she also turned down.
Woman takes self-defense course with Marine officers as instructors.
Source is wikicommons. |
how there’s been so much talk about street harassment,
abductions and rapes on college campuses. She questioned why aren’t we discussing
women defending themselves because some of these dangers can be avoided.
What a great question! Why aren’t we talking about women
protecting themselves? Is it because we’re looked upon as the weaker sex? Or
because society tells us that women shouldn’t fight or carry knives because
that’s unlady like. Or as another woman in the class said, if a woman says no
or fights back she’s going to be punished. We’re supposed to just sit and take
a beating. F*ck that!
Being physically aggressive in the self-defense was slightly
odd for me and the other women at first, but I got the hang of it quickly. It
felt good to yell, scream, punch and kick. And I could see on some of the
women’s faces that pad they kicked was some sick bastard that hurt them.
I highly encourage women to take a self-defense
class. I’ve met some women who practice martial arts. Sweet, friendly women who
will beat you down if you test them. I have a few sorority sisters with the flyest hair, nails and outfits--they're probation officers. And I know some God-fearing, church-going women who served in the military. I imagine they'd pray for you, before getting their rifle if you crossed them. I admire their blend of strength, aggression and poise. Ladies, we can walk and chew
gum at the same time. We can be tough and feminine if we choose.
I highly encourage women to keep some kind of protection
with them. I have a friend who carries a comb where a knife blade is hidden in
the handle. I know many women who carry peeper spray and tasers in their cute purses.
I know women, young and seasoned in age, who are packing heat. I remember meeting
one sweet old lady, around mid-70s, who was a yogi. I mentioned how peaceful
she made me feel. She then told me she’s about peace, but if someone broke into
her house she’d bust some caps their ass.
Another great thing about these women is that they don't live their life in fear. They don't have their hand on their pocket all of the time. They're not paranoid. They have researched their weaponry, martial arts, etc. That's another suggestion, before you purchase any kind of weapon, do your homework so you don't end up hurting yourself.
There are tough women in the world. You can
fight back too. Source: wikicommons |
For you young women in college/heading to college, take a
self-defense class. Consider carrying pepper spray when you’re walking around
campus at night. Or learn martial arts.
Parents, start teaching your girls young how to protect
themselves. The stuff I learned in that self-defense class I should’ve learned
30 years ago. There are self-defense classes for children. Search for them in
your community. Or see if your daughters would be interested in martial arts.
And also, we often teach our kids that predators are men.
There are some sick, evil women in the world too. We don’t associate women with
being dangerous, and I bet women predators use that to their advantage when
they abuse children. Buty they deserve a beat down just like any male predator
who tries to hurt a child.
Carlesha Freeland-Gaither was lucky. Many stories don’t end
like hers. Channel your inner Wonder Woman, Xena Warrior Princess, Mulan, Fish
Mooney, Sarah Connor, Harriet Tubman, Civil War Union Soldier
Clalin, Angela Davis, the women you know in the military and police force, and the strong women throughout history who boldly
spoke up and fought back. Be cautious of your surroundings. Try not to put
yourself in situations that make you easy prey (i.e. walking down a dark alley at
night). Be Careful. Fight back by protecting yourself.
*I am not an expert in weapons, self-defense and martial arts. Talk to experts in these fields before looking into weapons and self-defense.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear you've been attacked not once but twice! I'm Oakland born and raised, but luckily I have not fallen to this misfortune. I agree with you - as women we should empower ourselves with a self defense class of some sort.