Starting Your Dreams Later In Life and Embracing the Detour

Jenee Darden speaking at Creative Mornings I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but that's because of my job. I'm working as a reporter covering Oakland and I host an arts segment on the radio where I get to interview amazing artists from around the Bay Area. Plus I'm publicizing my book  and building my speaking career!  You know what's funny? I thought this would all happen by the time I was 27-30.  Nope. That wasn't God's plan for me. I'm finally beginning to do the things I've wanted to do and I'm almost 40 years old. Some people reading this who are 40 will say 40 is still young. But some younger people reading may think 40 is nearly ancient. But I'm writing this post for those who like me, thought their career and personal dreams would come true much early in life. I'm here to tell you not to give up.  You know, death inspires life. A number of my relatives and friends have passed away, ranging in ...

White Man Shares How To Use A Relaxer on White Hair

I've been away and now I'm back. This video is hilarious! A white man using a relaxer. I've seen it all. I remember when I was in college and one of my white suite mates wanted to curl her hair. She used my curling iron without my permission. Keep in mind, my hair texture requires more heat than white hair texture. I overheard my suite mate telling the other girls she burned off pieces of her with my curling iron. LOL! I don't think she used my curling iron again. Hopefully she learned to ask before borrowing too. Watch the video below and do not try what you see at home. Trust me, do not. There are black people who shouldn't be trying this at home either.


  1. He must've went to school with black folks. I don't know if i'm more surprised that he uses relaxer or that the box really says all that stuff about white hair LOL!

  2. I fell out laughing when he talked about how much it burned.

  3. That cannot say that on the package lmboooooo!

  4. Satire. Funny. Box says no such thing. Mainly poking fun of himself and a wisecrack answer to the often asked question: how do you get your hair like that??? Creative retort.


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