Starting Your Dreams Later In Life and Embracing the Detour

Jenee Darden speaking at Creative Mornings I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but that's because of my job. I'm working as a reporter covering Oakland and I host an arts segment on the radio where I get to interview amazing artists from around the Bay Area. Plus I'm publicizing my book  and building my speaking career!  You know what's funny? I thought this would all happen by the time I was 27-30.  Nope. That wasn't God's plan for me. I'm finally beginning to do the things I've wanted to do and I'm almost 40 years old. Some people reading this who are 40 will say 40 is still young. But some younger people reading may think 40 is nearly ancient. But I'm writing this post for those who like me, thought their career and personal dreams would come true much early in life. I'm here to tell you not to give up.  You know, death inspires life. A number of my relatives and friends have passed away, ranging in ...

Rihanna, You Better Think
Chris Brown and Rihanna Record a Duet

CNN is reporting that Chris Brown and Rihanna recorded a duet days after the alleged beating. Come on Rih Rih! Ladies, next time you flush the toilet think about Rihanna's career because that's where it's headed. As I've said before, staying with CB puts her safety in jeopardy. But recording a song with him is going to do some serious damage to her career. I like Rihanna's music but it would be very hard for me to buy her next album. Every time I hear it, I'll think of her getting beat up. I wouldn't be able to enjoy the music. And to some parents out there, they'll interpret her doing this duet as validating domestic violence. I don't believe she condones domestic violence, I just think the girl seriously needs counseling. She worked so hard to be on top and now she's about to mess up big time. I don't know about you my Cocoa Fly sistas but I have bills to pay, I need food to eat, and I like to treat myself to nice things once and a while. So aint no man's foolishness worth me ruining my income or career. Rihanna lost an opportunity to perform at the Grammys because of this mess. She had to cancel tour dates because of this mess. Some people are talking about boycotting her music because of this mess. How much money has she lost so far? Rih Rih, the ball is in your court now. You have to make the best choice for you NOT him. He didn't consider your well being that night when bit and punched you. Rihanna if your career does a Titanic at this point in the game, it'll be your own fault. And trust me sista, Chris Brown aint the only man on Earth. You can do better. You deserve better.


  1. I couldn't have said it better myself. Her career will be over if it's true that she's making music with that woman beater. Ladies we don't need a man who will beat us and then leave us in the streets to die. That's not love that attempted murder.

  2. ditto

    love your blog!

    alicia banks


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